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Welcome to P.S. Church Leadership

Have you ever felt like you were not told everything you need to know to do your job well? You’ve graduated from seminary, bible college, took that dream job as a Pastor, Ministry Leader, or other church leadership position only to find out that the reality of Church Leadership is much more complicated than your training might have suggested.

Sometimes you just wish someone would add a PS – postscriptum or postscript, to your job description that tells you all the other things you need to know.

The Idea for PS Church Leadership was born out of that very real need. We want to help you with a few of those need-to-know, but rarely taught things and help you lead with excellence as you minister and help others.

Full disclosure: Here at Believers Church of Statesboro, PS also stands for Pastor Scott. That’s me! I will be sharing a lot of my insights on things that I have learned from others and through trial and error over the years. Hence… PS Church Leadership!

Hopefully, you will find some of these resources and ideas helpful as you move forward in your work or ministry.

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